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SAT Prep Classes
Our SAT review class reviews for the NEW Digital SAT and uses the Official SAT Study Guide published by CollegeBoard (the company that makes the test). Students will review the relevant Math and English content of the test, gain familiarity with how this content is tested, and learn proven strategies for choosing the best answer and effectively managing their time . There are also two full length practice tests designed to expose students to real-life testing conditions, while at the same time providing them with an understanding of how the test is scored.
In addition to the SAT, the class also focuses on the other important elements of the College Admissions process. Students will learn how to put together a CV, how to write a winning Personal Statement, ways to pay for college, how to approach the interview, what to look for on a college visit, and more!
Similar SAT review classes can cost anywhere from $500 to $1000, and none of them spend any class time preparing your student for the admissions process. Future Prep's class is priced at Only $399! Virtual Classes are hosted via Zoom conferencing. You will receive login information for the class once you finish registering. Your book will be shipped to you once your payment has processed.
If you wish to enroll in the class, please click on the link below, and you will be taken to a list of upcoming schedules.

Class Specifics
Six Class Sessions
Each class session runs for three hours. Students will review test content for the SAT and familiarize themselves with each question type that appears on the exam. They'll also learn basic strategies: how to pace themselves, how to organize the order in which they do the questions, and when to guess. Each class will also spend a half hour focusing on topics related to College Admissions.
Two Comprehensive Practice Tests
Timed and Proctored just like the real thing. This helps to make the Test Day experience more familiar and less intimidating.
Official Materials
Students will receive CollegeBoard's "Official SAT Study Guide". This comprehensive Review Book, published by the test-makers themselves, provides content review for every question type. It also includes 8 full-length Practice Tests for students to practice with at home!